The Monte-Carlo Lifestyle brand was founded by Baron Christian Louis de Massy, the son of Princess Antoinette of Monaco and Anthony Noghès, creator of the famous Grand Prix de Monaco. The Baron registered his first “Monte Carlo” trademark on the 27th of July 2001 and later registered many other brands under this trademark.
Since Prince Rainier’s marriage to Grace Kelly in 1956, the Princely family of Monaco remains one of the most exposed to world media attention. Due to this, “Monte-Carlo” figures amongst the most recognizable names in the world, synonymous of an exclusive style of living.
Monte-Carlo Lifestyle has 33 prestigious brands with the name Monaco or Monte-Carlo registered, including: Baron de Monte-Carlo, Comte de Monte-Carlo, Monte-Carlo Gourmet, Noblesse Oblige Monte-Carlo, Monte-Carlo Club, Château Monte-Carlo, Monte-Carlo Attitude.